My Hope for the World Post Covid-19

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The day will come when the world finds itself post covid-19. We may even refer to life as before and after covid. The world will be different. It is not a question of if but how. We will no doubt have to rebuild the economy. The world will need to recover from what will seem like an endless list of sectors to rebuild. However, in the midst of all of that, there is something that will need to be nurtured immediately, the human spirit.

The world has been through so much. I hope that the human race will realize that we have all been created equal. The Coronavirus did not discriminate with colour, ethnicity, political views or religion. I hope that this is something that we will never forget! If a worldwide health pandemic has not taught us that we are all equal, then what will?

The World Reunited After Covid-19

We all are afraid and concerned for our families now more than ever. We all want the best for our children regardless of what country we live in or what car we drive. Our children deserve the best education no matter how much money we have or don’t have. We all want to be able to feed our families and keep them from harm. Our needs as humans are all the same. We are all equal. After all, we all bleed red.


The Coronavirus will undoubtedly affect us all somewhat differently. Some will need to ration and be mindful of living with less. At the same time, others will not be able to feed or look after their families. Lives will be devastated, and we will all feel the effects globally. We need to remember and learn from the world at this time. Let us not forget what life feels like right now.

What I Hope the World Looks Like Post Covid-19

Life is so precious and short. I hope that the world post covid is a more peaceful one. A world that we will make efforts to preserve and nurture for generations to come. A place where there is forgiveness toward one another, acceptance of our differences and acknowledgement of our similarities. I see a world improved and awakened by this devastating global pandemic. I hope for a peaceful world!


I also believe that more jobs will become remote. Employers will realize that employees are more productive from home. It has been proven that workers who work from home are happier, less stressed, and more efficient. Companies may also realize that remote workers can assist in keeping their overhead costs down. They may not need as much office space or equipment if some employees can work remotely.

During these times of isolation, we are consuming less gas and creating less pollution. There is a vast improvement in our environment because we are not interfering with nature and the life cycle. We are not acting destructively! Animals are thriving in their environments due to less human interference. Let’s keep this going! Let us learn from the crisis we are in today with this virus.

As a society, we are learning that we can live with less. There is enough wealth in the world to serve its needs, but greed is rampant. Let us feed the world and continue to live within our means. Abolishing poverty in the world is possible!

Remembering Others

May we have more understanding and compassion for our elderly community. Currently, we are all being asked to self-isolate to avoid human contact and practice social distancing. Some of us who suffer from depression may find that this isolation is unbearable. Others may find it a breath of fresh air and time to unplug. At the end of the day, we know it will be short-lived and that it is temporary. In other words, as difficult as it is, we are responsible enough to take these precautions.

Imagine now that you have no family, no one to talk to over Skype, FaceTime, or even by phone. After the world becomes “normal again,” most of us will return to our lives hugging and socializing, but not everyone. Sadly, there are people in this world, just as lonely now as during this time of isolation.

It makes me deeply sad to think that people in this world suffer alone and who celebrate alone. Perhaps our world post covid will remember that. Let’s remember to make a conscious effort to visit someone who would otherwise not see anyone that week or that month.  Or we could deliver a meal to someone just so that they can see a human being.   

Let’s Create a World That Accepts Humans as Equal

Isolation from the world and others can make one feel desperate, sad and lonely. Most of us will one day be elderly, with an entire life of wisdom behind us. We will have so many stories to tell but perhaps no one to ask them to share. Some of the most interesting, funny and heartwarming people I have met fall into this category. When life returns to normal for most of us, let’s remember those who could use some company.

Free Humanity

I hope the world post covid is one that I hope is more compassionate, more mindful, and in tune with others.  Let’s wake to a new day. Let’s embrace and create an unselfish world. One where we remember how the world came together when we were all at risk, and things were so uncertain.

Look around you, read the news and listen to personal stories of how people have been affected.  However, do take the time to learn how each one can bring something positive to the table. We can all help make the world liveable for every human being and living thing that occupies it.  Let the world unite without racism and violence.  In its place, insert kindness, love and acceptance. Let’s welcome a human race more united than it has ever been before!

